Lettuce 'Maureen'
Lettuce 'Maureen'
Not the most exotic sounding lettuce on our list but Maureen is as reliable as they come. Bred to outperform the standard Little Gem type in resistance to downy mildew and seasonality. Bright, fresh green, compact hearts which are equally at home in a crisp Caesar salad as they are braised with bacon and peas.
Lettuce is a very ancient crop, originally domesticated by the ancient Egyptians for its seeds and sap which were used as a pain killer and sedative. The Romans went on to cultivate lettuce for its leaves and used it as a braising green.
Sow: Feb-May undercover, May-July outside. Stagger sowings for continuous supply.
Plant: 4-6 weeks after sowing, plant 20cm apart
Harvest: Feb-April
Kitchen: Best used in salads.
Notes: To make the most out of your space, you can sow/plant 10cm apart then harvest every other plant leaving the remaining half to head up. Do not let seeds get hot when germinating. 15C is ideal, anything above 18C encourages seed dormancy.
~200 seeds/0.025g
Germ 87% Nov 24