Lettuce 'Blonde de Paris'
Lettuce 'Blonde de Paris'
A crisp, green Batavian type with a hint of an iceberg lettuce about it (in the very best way possible). Leaves are sweet in flavour and well-savoyed so they hold a salad dressing well. Can be grown for cut and come again baby leaves or as a heading lettuce.
Lettuce is a very ancient crop, originally domesticated in Africa by the ancient Egyptians for its seeds and sap which were used as a pain killer and sedative. The Romans went on to cultivate lettuce for its leaves and used it as a braising green.
Sow: March-July for harvests into autumn. March-April undercover, May outside. Four sowings across the year will have you eating plentiful salad leaves year round if you harvest by picking leaves off the stem.
Plant: 4 weeks after sowing at 20-30cm spacing.
Harvest: 8 weeks after sowing
Kitchen: Crisp - perfect for a shredded with red cabbage and red onion for a kebab-style salad.
Notes: Do not let seeds get hot when germinating - 15C is ideal, anything above 18C encourages seed dormancy.
~200 seeds/0.25g
Germ: 100% Dec 24