Courgette 'Dark Star'
Courgette 'Dark Star'
Glossy courgettes in the deepest, darkest green. This well-behaved variety grows in neat, bushy clumps and throws out courgettes over a long period. A great variety to avoid a courgette glut. This is an all-round scrappy variety which was bred in the US for drought tolerance and mildew resistance. The plants have incredibly extensive root systems and are highly adapted to organic cultivation.
Sow: April (undercover, ideally at 21C), late May outside
Plant: end May, 60cm spacing
Harvest: July-Sept
Kitchen: Slow cook, BBQ or roast. Pairs with fats (pine nuts, goats cheese, ricotta, feta, halloumi), citrus (lemon) salty flavours (capers, olives, anchovy, bacon), aromatics (coriander, dill, basil, marjoram).
~15 seeds
Germ 86% Feb 25